Home Rent vs. Buy Calculator

Mortgage and Home Expenses: | Monthly house payment: $0.00 |
Down Payment and Closing Costs: | Total closing costs: $0.00 |
Rent, Taxes and Inflation: | Monthly rent payment: $0.00 |
Home Equity vs. Investment |
Monthly Payment Breakdown |
10 Year Projected Monthly Payments |
Purchase price of the home you wish to buy.
The current interest rate you expect to receive on your mortgage. Please note that the interest rate is different from the Annual Percentage Rate (APR), which includes other expenses such as mortgage insurance, and the origination fee and or point(s), which were paid when the mortgage was first originated. The APR is normally higher than the simple interest rate.
The number of years over which you will repay this loan.
Monthly cost of Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI). For loans secured with less than 20% down, PMI is estimated at 0.5% of your loan balance each year.
Calculated amount of the loan for this home purchase.
Monthly principal and interest (PI) payment.
Your property tax rate. 1% for a $100,000 home equals $1,000 per year in property taxes.
Your homeowner's insurance rate. 0.5% for a $100,000 home equals $500 per year for homeowner's insurance.
Any association fees you are required to pay per month with the ownership of this home. Also include any other maintenance costs you expect to incur with the ownership of this home that you are not paying while you continue to rent.
Cash you have for the down payment and closing costs.
The percentage the lending institution charges for its origination fee. 1% for a $100,000 home equals $1,000.
The total number of points paid to reduce the interest rate of your mortgage. Each point costs 1% of your mortgage balance.
Estimate of all other closing costs for this loan. This should include filing fees, appraiser fees and any other miscellaneous fees paid.
Total funds remaining for down payment.
Amount you currently pay for rent per month.
The rate of return, after taxes, you could receive if you invested your closing costs and down payment instead of purchasing a home.
The actual rate of return is largely dependent on the types of investments you select. The Standard & Poor's 500® (S&P 500®) for the 10 years ending December 31st 2023, had an annual compounded rate of return of 15.2%, including reinvestment of dividends. From January 1, 1970 to December 31st 2023, the average annual compounded rate of return for the S&P 500®, including reinvestment of dividends, was approximately 10.9% (source: www.spglobal.com). Since 1970, the highest 12-month return was 61% (June 1982 through June 1983). The lowest 12-month return was -43% (March 2008 to March 2009). Savings accounts at a financial institution may pay as little as 0.25% or less but carry significantly lower risk of loss of principal balances.
It is important to remember that these scenarios are hypothetical and that future rates of return can't be predicted with certainty and that investments that pay higher rates of return are generally subject to higher risk and volatility. The actual rate of return on investments can vary widely over time, especially for long-term investments. This includes the potential loss of principal on your investment. It is not possible to invest directly in an index and the compounded rate of return noted above does not reflect sales charges and other fees that investment funds and/or investment companies may charge.
Your current marginal income tax rate. Use the ‘Filing Status and Federal Income Tax Rates on Taxable Income’ table to assist you in estimating your federal tax rate.
Tax Rate | Married Filing Jointly or Qualified Widow(er) | Single | Head of Household | Married Filing Separately |
10% | $0 - $23,850 | $0 - $11,925 | $0 - $17,000 | $0 - $11,925 |
12% | $23,850 - $96,950 | $11,925 - $48,475 | $17,000 - $64,850 | $11,925 - $48,475 |
22% | $96,950 - $206,700 | $48,475 - $103,350 | $64,850 - $103,350 | $48,475 - $103,350 |
24% | $206,700 - $394,600 | $103,350 - $197,300 | $103,350 - $197,300 | $103,350 - $197,300 |
32% | $394,600 - $501,050 | $197,300 - $250,525 | $197,300 - $250,500 | $197,300 - $250,525 |
35% | $501,050 - $751,600 | $250,525 - $626,350 | $250,500 - $626,350 | $250,525 - $375,800 |
37% | Over $751,600 | Over $626,350 | Over $626,350 | Over $375,800 |
*Caution: Do not use these tax rate schedules to figure 2024 taxes. Use only to figure 2025 estimates. Source: Rev. Proc. 2024-40 |
This is what you expect for the average long-term inflation rate. A common measure of inflation in the U.S. is the Consumer Price Index (CPI). From 1925 through 2024 the CPI has a long-term average of 3.0% annually. Over the last 40 years the highest CPI recorded was 13.5% in 1980. For the 12 months ending October 31st 2024 the CPI for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) was 3.2% as reported by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Inflation rate is used to adjust amounts subject to annual increases. These amounts include rent, insurance and tax payments.
Amount you expect your home value to appreciate annually.
The percent of your home's selling price you expect to pay to a broker or real estate agent when you sell your home.
Total of principal, interest, taxes and insurance (PITI) and maintenance paid per month for your home. Insurance includes Principal Mortgage Insurance (PMI) and homeowner's insurance.