You can order financial calculators from for deployment on your website with our on-line order form.
Once your payment is processed, you will receive a receipt of payment via e-mail. This receipt will include your username and password for you to download your financial calculators. If you have any questions regarding the order process please contact us via email at or by phone at (612) 331-2291.
Payment options include:
Financial Calculator license fees are one-time fee. This fee allows you to use the licensed software on a single internet domain for as long as you wish. The calculators will not expire. Please note that the content may get out of date without maintenance updates, depending on calculators selected. You can select any combination of calculators from any categories to create your specific calculator package. The license fee is determined based on the number of calculators you select.
One-time fees for a single internet site*:
$169.95 | For one Financial Calculator |
$549.95 | For any five Financial Calculators |
$999.95 | For any ten Financial Calculators |
$2,199.95 | For any twenty-five Financial Calculators |
$4,299.95 | For any 50 Financial Calculators |
$8,399.95 | For any 100 Financial Calculators |
$12,999.95 | For all 250+ U.S. English and U.S. Spanish |
$16,999.95 | For all 400+ U.S. English, Spanish, Canadian, French Canadian |
Complete custom calculators start at only $3500!
*Please see our license agreement for the details of the software agreement included with the above fees. If you have additional questions, or have multiple site requirements, please contact us at .
All Financial Calculators from KJE Computer Solutions, Inc. come with six months of free updates and support. You can extend your maintenance period to 18 months with automatic quarterly updates for only 20% of your purchase price. This is a great option to keep your site current and gives you the following benefits:
It is strongly recommended for active websites to keep their content current, and our extended maintenance is one of the best ways to insure your calculators against obsolescence. You can then renew your maintenance contract annually at 20% of your original purchase price. Updates are released at the end of each calendar quarter, on 3/31, 6/30, 9/30 and 12/31.
Add the ability to save multiple entries and create emails with back links to your calculators. This highly recommended option adds a new dimension to how you and your visitors can use the calculators. You can add this option to your maintenance plan for 10% of the original purchase price. This great feature allows you to exit the calculator and then come back later, with all entries preserved. No more starting over!
Features include: