Financial Calculator Update 3/31/2001
The quarterly update for 3/31/2001 contains quite a few changes. You may wish to print this page as a reference as you begin your update.
Update instructions:
- Download the latest version of your calculators from your download site, found on your update e-mail notice.
- Execute the Calc.exe file from your download. This is a self-extracting zip file. (Or unzip the file if you are using a non-windows platform.)
- When prompted for a directory, you may use the default of "java" or enter your own. It is recommended that you extract the update to a new directory and then move the required files to your production environment. One directory will be created. It will have three subdirectories.
- Replace the contents of your current KJEgui, KJEgraph and KJEcalculation directories with the new version
- Replace your current dinkytown.jar file with the new version
- Replace all files with the extension "class" with the new versions
- Make required changes to any HTML documents as describe later in this document
If you have NOT made any changes to the HTML Files used in your deployment you may wish to replace all HTML files with the new versions in your download. If you have made changes to your HTML files, please review the changes below and make the required updates (as indicated for any calculator you have purchased.)
To clear your Browser's cache:
When you test the new version of the calculators, make sure that the browser you are using uses the new files instead of any it may have in its cache. You may need to clear the browser's cache manually to ensure the new versions are loaded.
Internet Explorer:
Chose "Internet Options" under the "Tools" menu and on the "General" tab click on the "Delete Files…" button.
Chose "Prefrences…" under the "Edit" menu. Click on the "Advanced" category and then "Cache" option which appears under it. Click the "Clear Memory Cache" button, then click the "Clear Disk Cache" button.)
Updates that require modifications to HTML documents
- Loan & Credit Line Payments
has been updated to show all payments and payment schedules with two decimal places. In addition, minor corrections in the definition section have been made and the generated report has been enhanced. The calculator will continue to work without any HTML changes, but it is recommended that you update your calculator to remain current. This update effected the following files:
If you have this calculator, it is recommended that your replace the above two files and reapply any custom changes you have made (after you have made your class file updates as described earlier).
If you wish to make changes to your existing HTML files for this calculator you will need to 1. Replace the <APPLET>...</APPLET> section of your old PaymentOptions.html with the new one, 2. Replace the Definitions section of your old PaymentOptions.html with the new one, 3. Replace the introductory paragraph on the report with the introductory paragraph in the new PaymentOptionsCalculation.html.
- Cool Million
has been updated to remove the Federal and State tax rate fields. These fields were not used except for a minor entry on the generated report. To simplify the results and entry they were removed. Your calculator will continue to operate with out any HTML changes, however it is recommended you update the following:
If you have this calculator, it is recommended that your replace the above two files and reapply any custom changes you have made (after you have made your class file updates as described earlier).
If you wish to make changes to your existing HTML files for this calculator your will need to 1. Replace the <APPLET>...</APPLET> section of your old Millionaire.html with the new one, 2. Replace the Definitions section of your old Millionaire.html with the new one. Search and remove any references to the following replacement tags: FED_TAX_RATE, STATE_TAX_RATE, RQR_ROR_AFTAX.
- Home Budget
has been updated to include income fields for a spouse. These new entry fields appear in the "Paycheck Calc" screen and on the generated report. Your calculator will continue to operate with out any HTML changes, however, if you wish to have the new fields appear on your budget report it is recommended you update the following:
If you have this calculator, it is recommended that your replace the above two files and reapply any custom changes you have made (after you have made your class file updates as described earlier).
If you wish to make changes to your existing HTML files for this calculator your will need to replace the <APPLET>...</APPLET> section of your old HomeBudget.html with the new one. You will also need to update the table that displays the paycheck information on the generated report.
- 1040 Tax calculator
updated to figure the phase out of itemized deductions for incomes over $128,950 for filers of Joint, Single or Head of Household and $64,475 for Married Filing Separate. It has also been updated to provide a better look and feel, with a more descriptive results page. If you have this calculator, it is recommended that your replace the above two files and reapply any custom changes you have made (after you have made your class file updates as described earlier).
If you wish to make changes to your existing HTML files for this calculator your will need to replace the <APPLET>...</APPLET> section of your old Tax1040.html with the new one. You will also need to update the definitions section of your calculator. This modification requires the applet to be increased in size from to a width of 500 and a height of 425.
- Roth IRA
has been updated to include a description of contribution limits for high income households. You should update the definitions section of RothIRA.html
- Roth Transfer
has been updated to include a description of contribution limits for high income households. You should update the definitions section of RothTransfer.html
- Roth IRA vs Traditional IRA
has been updated to include a description of the contribution limits for high income households. You should update the definitions section of the RothvsRegular.html document.
- Asset Allocator
has been updated to increase the applicable ranges for many of the fields. In addition the definitions and report have been updated regarding these changes. Your calculator will continue to operate with out any HTML changes, however, if you wish to have the new definitions and labels appear on your calculator it is recommended you update the following:
If you have this calculator, it is recommended that your replace the above two files and reapply any custom changes you have made (after you have made your class file updates as described earlier).
Other updates
- All Calculators
: The selected border for all calculators in your download has been changed to "ROUND". This displays the applet with a rounded corners and a solid border. Previous versions of the calculators have used the "SOLID" border which as square corners. If you wish to update your current calculator so use the "ROUND" border, make sure the applet parameter "BORDER" has a value of "ROUND". You may also wish to set the parameter "PAGEBACKGROUND_COLOR" to your page's background color if it is not white (or the #FFFFFF).
For example, to make the border ROUND with a page color of light gray (#CCCCCC):
<PARAM name="BORDER" value="ROUND">
<PARAM name="BORDER_COLOR" value="000000">
<PARAM name="BORDER_WIDTH" value="2">
The default border color is black (#000000).
The default page border color is white (#FFFFFF).
The default border width is 1 pixel.
- Social Security
and Retirement Planner have been updated in regards to the maximum income that is taxable for The Social Security portion of FICA. The new taxable maximum income is $80,400 for 2001.
- The Auto Loan calculator
has been updated for the latest sales tax rules regarding trade-ins. You may wish to update your definition section of AutoLoan.html, but this is an optional change.
- Line of Credit
calculator updated to allow a new parameter: NOEDIT_LOAN_TO_VALUE When this parameter is set to "true" the entry field for the loan to value is disabled. In addition, the three alternative loan to value ratios are no longer displayed on the graph or in the report. Please note that this parameter is optional, the default value is "false", which will not change the current functionality of the calculator.
<PARAM name="NOEDIT_LOAN_TO_VALUE" value="true">
- Loan & Credit Line Payments (PaymentOptions.html)
- Has been updated to show all payments and payment schedules with two decimal places.
- You can remove "a fixed loan term" choice from the drop down list of payment options by including the following parameter:
<PARAM name="SHOW_FIXED_LOAN" value="false">
- Current parameters which set the percentage of interest to pay, or the percentage of balance to pay have been enhanced to allow you to remove these options from the drop down box of "payment options". The following parameters have been enhanced:
The current functionality uses these values as the percentage for the calculation. The new functionality extends this by removing the associated drop down box option if any of the values are set to zero. For example, to only allow "a fixed loan term" to appear in the drop down list, you can set the parameters to:
To allow only "a fixed loan term" and "100% of interested owed" you would use the following parameter settings:
Inventory Calculator was updated to prevent a slider control for annual growth from being displayed with overlapping numbers on some Netscape browsers.
Compound Savings Calculator was updated to prevent name truncation on some Macintosh servers when FTPing to a server. The class file "CompoundSavingsCalculation.class" was renamed "CompoundSavingsCalc.class". The HTML file "CompoundSavingsCalculation.html" was renamed "CompoundSavingsCalc.html". Most installations require no changes to HTML, however it is recommended that you delete the following two files from your current implementation:
Buy vs Lease Calculator was modified in regards to sales tax and market value calculations.
- Sales tax change: Currently lease payments are assumed not to be subject to sales tax. Our new version will assume that the payment is subject to sales tax.
- Market value change: The update modifies the market value calculation to reduce the market value of the auto by a specific percentage each year, rather than our current NPV calculation. This new method proves to be more clear and easier to understand.
Current calculation:
Calculation example, if a $20,000 car depreciates 20% a year
End of 1 year: $16,666 = $20,000 / (1.2)^1
End of 1 year: $13,888 = $20,000 / (1.2)^2
New calculation:
New calculation example, if a $20,000 car depreciates 20% a year:
End of 1 year: $16,000 = $20,000 X (.80)^1
End of 2 years: $12,800 = $20,000 X (.80)^2
Life Insurance Calculator was modified to include a current amount of life insurance. No changes to the HTML documents are required, however if you wish to have the CURRENT_INSURANCE amount on the generated report, it is recommended that you update the <APPLET>…</APPLET> section of the LifeInsurance.html document.
Auto Loan vs Home Equity Loan was modified to better handle sales tax for states that do not allow for a deduction for a trade-in when calculating the taxable amount of the purchase. This functionality was added by including a checkbox to check if you live in one of these states. You may wish to update your definitions section of this calculator to include the description of this new option.
Amortizing Loan Calculator was modified to increase the number of decimals for the interest rate from 2 to 3.