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Maintenance Update 3-31-2024

Calculator update notes for 3-31-2024, especially important updates and enhancements to the income tax calculators.

Overview: Financial Calculator Update 3/31/2024

The quarterly update for 3/31/2024 is a targeted update in regards to content. It is focused on updating the tax calculators to 2024 as we near the close of the 2023 tax season.

All maintenance releases are cumulative, so if you apply this update, you will have all previous calculator updates as well. For your reference you can view the previous update notes here: 12/31/2023 Update.

Update Instructions

For more detailed information please see our deployment documentation: V3 Deployment Information

  1. Download the latest update package for your calculators from your download site, found on your update e-mail notice.

  2. Execute the KJEUpdate.exe file from your download. This is a self-extracting zip file. (Or unzip the KJEUpdate.zip file if you are using a non-windows platform.) If you see a warning message, you can safely continue. When prompted for a directory, you may use the default or enter your own. It is recommended that you extract the update to a new directory and then move the required files to your production or staging environment. One directory will be created with no subdirectories.

  3. Replace all files provided in update package. The update package includes all JS files and CSS files that are required to update the content of your calculators. IMPORTANT! The update package does not contain any HTML files or the KJESiteSpecific.js or KJESiteSpecific.css files. These files are not required for an upgrade, and replacing them may result in overwriting custom changes for your website installation. If you use the full installation package and have changed the file KJESiteSpecific.js or KJESiteSpecific.css files do not replace them.

When you test the new version of the calculators, make sure that the browser you are using uses the new files instead of any it may have in its cache. You may need to clear the browser's cache manually to ensure the new versions are loaded.

Update Failure or Issues

If your update fails, or provides unexpected coloring and formatting, Please try the following to update your sites calculators.

  1. Download your full install calculator package KJECalc.exe (or KJECalc.zip). Use the FULL INSTALL package for this update, not the update package.

  2. Execute the KJECalc.exe file . This is a self-extracting zip file. (Or unzip the KJEUpdate.zip file if you are using a non-windows platform.) If you see a warning message, you can safely continue. When prompted for a directory, you may use the default or enter your own. It is recommended that you extract the update to a new directory and then move the required files to your production or staging environment. One directory will be created with no subdirectories.

  3. Replace all files provided in FULL INSTALL package. The package includes all JS files and CSS files that are required for a clean install of your calculators. If you have changed the file KJESiteSpecific.js or KJESiteSpecific.css files it is recommended you make a backup of these two files before you overwrite them with the new ones.
  4. Test Clear your browsers cache and test your calculators. Please contact us with questions or issues such as colors or required special settings (we can do this as part of your normal update package for the current and future releases).

New Hosting Service

We also another option that you might want to consider. Our hosting package allows you to have calculators that you "set and forget" - all updates are applied automatically as part of the service. No more downloads or installation of updates.


  • We match your colors, logos, fonts to match your site
  • You can link directly to the hosted calculators in it's app interface
  • Embed any calculator from your package into any page on your site for seamless integration.
  • Easily add calculator to your package without coding or downloads.

Here are two fully integrated examples using our hosting service:

Please contact us with questions!

Update Changes 3/31/2024

The V3 (HTML5/JavaScript) calculators do not require any edits or modifications to HTML pages, all changes are encapsulated within the JS files provided. If you see anything that needs attention in on your website, please contact us for assistance. This update has some changes that may affect your deployment, we are ready and willing to make our newest calculators look great on your site!

  1. All Calculators: Removed all inline CSS from all calculators. This provides better support for sites using a Content Security Policy (CSP) that prohibits inline css.

  2. ADA and Screen Readers: Updates to improve ADA and screen reader functionality continue to be applied. All calculators follow the ADA guidelines to meet accessibility specification WCAG 2.1 Level AA and Section 508. As intrepretation of these guidelines change and ADA scanning tools are refined, we continue to monitor and update the calculators.

  3. 1040 Tax Estimator: (Tax1040.html) has been updated for new rates and schedules for 2024. This includes changes to the definitions, and the calculation modules. It is likely that additional changes to the tax rates and rules will take place before the end of 2024. The following tables and definitions have been updated in all calculators in which they appear. Use the ‘Filing Status and Federal Income Tax Rates on Taxable Income’ table to assist you in estimating your federal tax rate.
    Filing Status and Federal Income Tax Rates on Taxable Income for 2024*
    Tax RateMarried Filing Jointly or Qualified Surviving SpouseSingleHead of HouseholdMarried Filing Separately
    10%$0 - $23,200$0 - $11,600$0 - $16,550$0 - $11,600
    12%$23,200 - $94,300$11,600 - $47,150$16,550 - $63,100$11,600 - $47,150
    22%$94,300 - $201,050$47,150 - $100,525$63,100 - $100,500$47,150 - $100,525
    24%$201,050 - $383,900$100,525 - $191,950$100,500 - $191,950$100,525 - $191,950
    32%$383,900 - $487,450$191,950 - $243,725$191,950 - $243,700$191,950 - $243,725
    35%$487,450 - $731,200$243,725 - $609,350$243,700 - $609,350$243,725 - $365,600
    37%Over  $731,200Over  $609,350Over  $609,350Over  $365,600
    *Caution: Do not use these tax rate schedules to figure 2023 taxes. Use only to figure 2024 estimates. Source: Rev. Proc. 2023-48

    Standard Deduction for 2024 Federal Income Tax
    Filing StatusStandard Deduction
    Married Filing Joint$29,200
    Qualified Surviving Spouse$29,200
    Heads of Household$21,900
    Married Filing Separately$14,600

    Alternative Minimum Tax Exemption Amount by Filing Status 2024
    Filing StatusExemption AmountExemption Phaseout Threshold
    Married Filing Jointly$133,300$1,218,700
    Qualified Surviving Spouse$133,300$1,218,700
    Heads of Household$85,700$609,350
    Married Filing Separately$66,650$609,350

    Income Thresholds QBID 2024
     Single, Married Filing Separately and Heads of HouseholdMarried Filing Jointly
    Taxable income at or below$191,950

    20% of business income from qualified trades or businesses including Specified Service Trade or Business (SSTB).

    20% of business income from qualified trade or business including specified services or businesses.
    Taxable income in range has prorated deduction$191,950-$241,950

    Phase-out of QBID deduction for Specified Service Trade or Business (SSTB). Phase-in of employee wage requirements for all other businesses.

    Phase-out of QBID deduction for Specified Service Trade or Business (SSTB). Phase-in of employee wage requirements for all other businesses.
    Taxable income above$241,951

    No QBID deduction for Specified Service Trade or Business (SSTB). QBID limited to 50% of employee wages paid or 25% of employee wages paid plus 2.5% of invested capital.

    No QBID deduction for Specified Service Trade or Business (SSTB). QBID limited to 50% of employee wages paid or 25% of employee wages paid plus 2.5% of invested capital.
    Long-term capital gains are taxed at lower, special capital gains rates and are calculated as follows (note that qualified dividends are taxed as if they were a long-term capital gain):
    • Calculate your total taxable income without long-term capital gains.
    • Use this amount to determine the rate for your long-term gain, up to the top of the bracket.
    • The portion of your long-term capital gain that exceeds a bracket will be taxed at the next higher rate.
    • This calculator assumes that none of your long-term capital gains come from collectibles, section 1202 gains or un-recaptured 1250 gains. These types of capital gains are taxed at 28%, 28% and 25% respectively (unless your ordinary income tax bracket is a lower rate).
    Long-term Capital Gain Tax Rates 2024*
    Tax RateMarried Filing Jointly or Qualified Surviving SpouseSingleHead of HouseholdMarried Filing Separately
    0%$0 - $94,050$0 - $47,025$0 - $63,000$0 - $47,025
    15%$94,050 - $583,750$47,025 - $518,900$63,000 - $551,350$47,025 - $291,850
    20%Over $583,750Over $518,900Over $551,350 Over $291,850
    *Caution: Do not use these tax rate schedules to figure 2023 taxes. Use only to figure 2024 estimates. Source: Rev. Proc. 2023-48

  4. U.S. Easy Tax Estimator: (TaxEZ1040.html) has been updated for new rates and schedules for 2024. This includes changes to the definitions, and the calculation modules.

  5. Simple Federal Tax Calculator: (Tax1040Simple.html) has been updated for new rates and schedules for 2024. This includes changes to the definitions, and the calculation modules.

  6. Marginal Tax Calculator: (TaxMargin.html, SPTaxMargin.html) has been updated for new rates and schedules for 2024. This includes changes to the definitions, and the calculation modules. In addition to the 2024 udpates, the following definitions have been expanded:

    Wages, salaries, tips, etc.

    This is your total taxable income for the year after deductions for retirement contributions such as 401(k)s, IRAs, etc. This calculator is designed to work primarily with earned income taxed at ordinary income tax rates. It is not designed to calculate taxes from capital gains, business income or passive income sources.

    Income Tax Rate Definitions (this appears on the report and main calculator)

    Income Tax Rates
    Average tax rateThis is your total income divided by your total Federal tax. The average tax rate is almost always lower, sometimes by a wide margin, than your income tax bracket or marginal tax rate.
    Income tax bracketThis is the highest Federal income tax bracket used in calculating your total Federal tax. This is calculated by looking up the highest Federal income tax bracket that includes your taxable income.
    Marginal tax rateThis is the percentage paid in Federal taxes on additional income. To determine your marginal tax rate, the tool recalculates your total Federal income tax using your current income plus an additional income amount. The additional income amount is $1,000 for incomes under $100,000 and $10,000 for incomes over $100,000. We then divide the difference between your original Federal tax and the recalculated Federal tax by the amount of additional income. Your marginal tax rate captures the effect of additional income taxed in higher income brackets and the phase-out of deductions and credits. It will never be lower than your current tax bracket.

    Dependents qualifying for child tax credit

    Enter the number of dependent children that qualify for the child tax credit. To qualify, a child must be under age 17 at the end of the year. They must be either your child, one of your siblings or your foster child or a child of any of them (for example your grandchild). In addition, they must have lived with you for more than half of the year, not provide more than half of their own support and must be claimed as a dependent on your tax return. In 2024, for each qualifying child you can receive up to a $2,000 tax credit. While the same as the prior year, this amount is significantly lower than 2021. In 2021, the tax credit was up to a $3,600 per child under age six and up to $3,000 per child age six to 17.

    Income Thresholds for Child Tax Credit Phaseout of $2,000 for children and $500 for other dependents
    Filing StatusMaximum AGI for Full CreditAGI No Credit
    Married Filing Jointly$400,000$50 reduction for every $1,000 over threshold
    Qualified Widow(er)$400,000$50 reduction for every $1,000 over threshold
    Single$200,000$50 reduction for every $1,000 over threshold
    Heads of Household$200,000$50 reduction for every $1,000 over threshold
    Married Filing Separately$200,000$50 reduction for every $1,000 over threshold

  7. Self Employment Tax Calculator: (TaxSelfEmployment.html) has been updated for new rates and schedules for 2024. This includes changes to the definitions, and the calculation modules. Please note that no new entry or output fields were required, but the tax tables and many of the tax computations were affected.

  8. Earned Income Tax Credit Calculator: (EarnedIncomeCredit.html) has been updated for new rates and schedules for 2024. This includes changes to the definitions, and the calculation modules. Please note that no new entry or output fields were required, but the tax tables and many of the tax computations were affected.

  9. Charitable Tax Savings Calculator: (CharitableTax.html) has been updated for new rates and schedules for 2024. This includes changes to the definitions, and the calculation modules. Please note that no new entry or output fields were required, but the tax tables and many of the tax computations were affected.

  10. Taxable Social Security Benefits Calculator: (SocialSecurityTaxable.html) has been updated for new rates and rules for 2024. This includes changes to the definitions, and the calculation modules. Please note that no new entry or output fields were required.

  11. 72(t) Calculaor: Early withdrawals from retirement accounts (Retire72T.html, Retire72T2.html), 72(t) Distributions: Impact on retirement fund balances (Retire72TAlt.html): The Federal Mid-Term rate has been updated for April 2024. This change affects the calculators default values and the definition of Reasonable Interest Rate For April 2024. For April 2024, 120% of the Federal Mid-Term rate is 5.17%.