Financial Calculator Update 9/30/2001
NOTE: Our most recent update on 03/31/2002 can be found by clicking here!
The quarterly update for 9/30/2001 contains quite a few changes, including some important, but optional HTML enhancements. This update can be accomplished by simply replacing your "class" files and "dinkytown.jar" file. However, to take advantage of our new definition format and Cascading Style Sheets you will need to make some HTML changes. You may wish to print this page as a reference as you begin your update. To view our 6/30/2001 update: Click Here!
Update instructions:
- Download the latest version of your calculators from your download site, found on your update e-mail notice.
- Execute the Calc.exe file from your download. This is a self-extracting zip file. (Or unzip the file if you are using a non-windows platform.)
- When prompted for a directory, you may use the default of "java" or enter your own. It is recommended that you extract the update to a new directory and then move the required files to your production environment. One directory will be created. It will have three subdirectories.
- Replace the contents of your current KJEgui, KJEgraph and KJEcalculation directories with the new version
- Replace your current dinkytown.jar file with the new version
- Replace all files with the extension "class" with the new versions
- Make required changes to any HTML documents as describe later in this document (this update has no required HTML changes, however there are a couple of nice optional changes to the Tax calculators and Life Insurance you should consider).
If you have NOT made any changes to the HTML Files used in your deployment you may wish to replace all HTML files with the new versions in your download. If you have made changes to your HTML files, please review the changes below. This update has no required HTML changes, however there are a couple of nice optional changes to the Tax calculators and Life Insurance you should consider.
To clear your Browser's cache:
When you test the new version of the calculators, make sure that the browser you are using uses the new files instead of any it may have in its cache. You may need to clear the browser's cache manually to ensure the new versions are loaded.
Internet Explorer:
Chose "Internet Options" under the "Tools" menu and on the "General" tab click on the "Delete Files…" button.
Chose "Prefrences…" under the "Edit" menu. Click on the "Advanced" category and then "Cache" option which appears under it. Click the "Clear Memory Cache" button, then click the "Clear Disk Cache" button.)
Master Changes (no HTML required)
- Core calculator functionality has been enhanced to provide a slightly smaller download for the archive file. In addition, graph refreshes, applet startup time and Macintosh screen drawing has been enhanced.
- All reports have been updated to handle a Netscape 6 bug that does not put scrollbars on popup windows. Netscape 6 users will see a message at the top of all reports that tells them to use the pageup and pagedown keys to navigate through the report. (A mouse’s scroll button also works, as does the arrow keys.) No changes HTML changes are required, you only need to update your class files and dinkytown.jar file as described above.
Updates that require modifications to HTML documents
- All calculator pages have been updated to a new definition format. This format provides better readability with the defined term appearing directly above an offset definition. Taking advantage of the new definition format is optional and requires HTML changes. You will need to delete your existing definition section and replace it with the new definition section in each of your calculators.
- All calculators and reports have been updated to take full advantage of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). Each calculator uses a style sheet to define all fonts used by the calculator’s HTML page and HTML report. This greatly simplifies formatting and provides for faster page loading. Taking advantage of CSS is optional. To do so, we recommend using the updated calculator files provided in your download and moving your custom modifications to these documents. The use of CSS is not complex, but does affect all references to fonts, font faces, and font sizes. Using your new calculator documents as a starting point will provide the easiest transition to the use of CSS.
Other Updates
- Traditional IRA calculator
has as few of its definitions updated. You should copy from "RegularIRA.html" the definitions section to update your calculator.
- Roths vs Traditional IRA calculator
has as few of its definitions updated. You should copy from "RothvsRegular.html" the definitions section to update your calculator.
- 1040 Tax Calculator
on the Macintosh using Netscape 4.7 was popping up input windows behind the active browser page. This has been addressed with this update.
- Buy vs Lease calculators:
Now allows for 84 month term on loans and leases.
- Retirement Planner Calculator:
New feature has been added to allow you to have a checkbox appear on the applet if a Pension Plan has been defined. This checkbox allows a user to decide if a Pension Plan should be indexed for inflation:
OTHER_PENSION_START1 = initial year to start monthly amount.
(If "0" starts when you retire)
OTHER_PENSION_INFLATION1 = TRUE to default to inflation index, false default does not
OTHER_PENSION_AMOUNT1 = initial monthly payment
OTHER_PENSION_SHOWCB1 = TRUE will display the inflation index checkbox
MSG_OTHER_PENSION_AMOUNT1 = label for this pension plan
Example (to add a pension plan with inflation index checkbox):
<PARAM name="OTHER_PENSION_START1" value="0">
<PARAM name="OTHER_PENSION_AMOUNT1" value="0">
<PARAM name="MSG_OTHER_PENSION_AMOUNT1" value="Monthly company pension">
- Life Insurance
calculator has been updated to allow up to $50,000 per month income from a surviving spouse.